The Banqueting Table

I describe my early church experience like sitting as a spectator in a large theatre watching the actors on stage pretend to eat plastic food. I had come to saving faith through the preaching of the gospel when I was 20 years old. That was like sitting down to a banqueting table and feasting myself. The Lord of this feast is Jesus Christ himself. The invitation to “The Banqueting Table,” is an invitation to taste that the Lord is good and a virtual extension of “Family Time” discussions. It is a follow-up to those who have engaged with us and have interest in an ongoing dialogue. At this table, we’ll talk about things from a biblical world and life view, particularly as it relates to marriage and family.

Work, Worship & Entrepreneurial Call

There is a great satisfaction in meaningful work. We do it heartily before the Lord! Faithfulness with little is rewarded with more and is an undeniable principle often observed in successful businesses. You are invited to join us for lunch and an in-person LOCALIZED WATCH PARTY of the Global Faith Driven Entrepreneur Conference.

3. 2. 1. Outline

Over the years we have discovered a reoccurring theme in our conversations. The outline of which could be captured on one hand. It was simple enough to teach to our youngest children but sturdy enough to be serving us well as adults.

Starting Here!

It has been hard to find the right place to start telling our story. There is so much history that brought us here and so much vision that keeps us moving forward. Where do you jump into something like this? Here is as good a place as any!